The President is the chief executive officer of SSCP and is responsible to see that SSCP fulfills its purposes in accord with this Constitution, the Bylaws, and the continuing resolutions. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Governing Board and at all Membership Meetings, unless he/she appoints another Governing Board Member to preside at a specific meeting or for a specific time.


The Secretary is responsible to write and maintain the official records of SSCP. The Secretary will keep written minutes of all meetings of the Membership and of the Governing Board, cause Membership Meeting minutes to be published and distributed to the Governing Board on a timely basis. Keep accessible copies of these minutes, this

Constitution, Bylaws, and continuing resolutions, for any member of SSCP, and receive and file the final written reports of production directors. The Secretary may appoint other persons to assist [e.g.. as archivist, recorder, etc.] in the task.


The Treasurer receives and deposits all monies received by SSCP and disburses them according to the directives and policies of the Governing Board, and shall provide theBoard a complete report at each meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for ticket sale procedure for every performance. He/she may appoint other persons to assist in carrying out his/her responsibilities.


One member of the Governing Board shall be the Membership Coordinator, whose responsibility it shall be to maintain the membership files. This may include individuals, families or business members. Membership Coordinator is responsible for sending emails or direct mail communications from the BOARD. The Membership Coordinator may appoint other persons to assist in carrying out his/her responsibilities.


One member of the Governing Board shall be the Maintenance Coordinator, whose responsibility it shall be to maintain in good order all property belonging to or rented by SSCP, including care of all properties, sets, costumes, lights and sound equipment. The Maintenance Coordinator may appoint: other persons to assist in carrying out his/her responsibilities.


One member of the Governing Board shall be the Public Relations Coordinator, whose responsibilities shall be to publish on a regular basis a newsletter to all members of SSCP and other interested persons. The Public Relations Coordinator additionally will provide for publicity for all SSCP productions, and arrange social events for the membership of SSCP. The Public Relations Coordinator may appoint other persons to assist in carrying out his/her responsibilities


One member of the Governing Board shall be the Special Projects Coordinator, whose task it shall be to plan and execute fund raising projects, oversee and administer scholarships, and seek endowment fluids from public and private agencies and foundations. The Special Projects Coordinator may appoint other persons to assist in carrying out his/her responsibilities.


One member of the Governing Board shall be the Producer, whose task it shall be to plan and schedule production guidelines, manage directors, act as liaison between directors and the Governing Board, and make sure directors work within SSCP directives. The Producer may appoint other persons to assist in carrying out his/her responsibilities


One member of the Governing Board shall be the Youth Coordinator, whose task it shall be to act as the representative of students and youth under age 18 and their interests. The Youth Coordinator shall be a good-will ambassador to school-age youth and promote membership to the community youth. The Youth Coordinator may appoint other persons to assist in carrying out his/her responsibilities.